What Are Probiotic Supplements & Why Do They Matter?

Mar 10, 2022


Food and Beverage

Probiotic supplements are all the rage right now. You see them at all kinds of grocery and medical stores, even in your favorite yogurt! Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that keep your gut healthy and promote better digestion. A healthy gut is essential for optimal health. It helps you absorb nutrients from food, boosts immunity, reduces inflammation, and may even help prevent a number of health conditions.

Probiotics are found naturally in fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, kombucha, and sauerkraut. They're also available in supplement form. Consider taking a daily probiotic supplement to maintain a balance of 'good' and 'bad' bacteria in your gut. Probiotic supplements can be especially helpful if you're taking antibiotics or have taken them in the past because they help rebalance the gut flora.

What Are Probiotic Supplements?

The bacteria in your gut are known as your "gut microbiota." They play a role in many vital processes, including the digestion of food, the absorption of nutrients, and the synthesis of specific vitamins. Probiotics are beneficial strains of bacteria that can help promote a healthy gut microbiota and improve your health.

Probiotic supplements contain a mixture of different strains of probiotic bacteria, while fermented foods contain just one strain. However, various strains of the same type of bacteria have been shown to have varying effects on weight loss. However, there is no hard evidence to suggest that taking a combination of probiotic strains is more effective than taking a single-strain supplement.

Certain types and numbers of gut bacteria may contribute to weight gain, while others may help prevent it. For example, some research has shown that people who are overweight or obese have a lower ratio of Bacteroidetes to Firmicutes bacteria in their guts than leaner people. However, the reason for this difference remains unclear.

When choosing between supplement and food sources of probiotics, remember that supplements may contain several times the dose of an individual probiotic microorganism found in food.

Are Probiotic Supplements Essential to One's Health?

It's important to realize that your gut is a sensitive ecosystem. It's not a black and white situation, good bacteria vs. harmful bacteria. The existence of good bacteria is a natural process of your body. Eating a well-balanced and fiber-rich diet helps maintain the level of good bacteria.

If you're healthy, there's probably no reason for you to take probiotic supplements. However, in some exceptional cases where the number of good bacteria in the body has been diminished, such as after taking antibiotic medication or suffering from a disease that affects the intestinal system, research has indicated that probiotic supplements can help to replenish the good bacteria in the body and restore normal functioning.

Benefits of Probiotic Supplements

A growing number of health-conscious consumers are discovering the benefits of probiotic supplements. They're taking probiotics to support immune system health and help with digestive issues – and there are solid scientific reasons supporting the following benefits.

Food digestion: Digestive advantage of probiotics is one of the main reasons people consume supplements. Probiotics help the 'good' bacteria in the digestive system multiply, which allows the body to break down food more effectively, absorb nutrients, and fight off disease-causing germs. 

Some probiotics have been shown to help with diarrhea, especially following treatment with certain antibiotics. They may also help people who can't digest lactose, the sugar in milk. Unique Biotech offers some of the best supplements for digestion - GG Lac, Revagut, UBLAC, Florafix, and Bacilax.

Fights harmful bacteria: Bad bacteria can cause some severe problems, but probiotic supplements help keep them from getting out of control and making you sick.

Traditional antibiotics wipe out the good and bad bacteria in your gut. However, it's not just antibiotics that can disrupt your gut flora. Chlorinated water, processed foods, and the use of hand sanitizers also contribute to a less diverse gut microbiome. Still, probiotic supplements leave the excellent guys untouched so they can continue to do their job. One of the best gut health supplements by Unique Biotech is Flora-IB.

Create vitamins, including B-12 and K: Some probiotic supplements can create vitamin K and specific B vitamins. These vitamins are essential for things like normal blood clotting, helping you maintain energy levels, and supporting the health of your nervous system and heart.

Some of the natural sources of probiotics are fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, soy beverages, and cheese, particularly cottage cheese and other soft cheeses. These foods contain beneficial bacteria similar to those already living in your gut.

Breakdown and absorb medications: The breakdown and absorption of certain medications can be significantly improved by taking probiotics with these medications or shortly after taking them. This is particularly important for patients who have difficulty absorbing certain medications from their digestive tract.

Improves Cardiovascular health: People who regularly consume yogurt containing Lactobacillus are less likely to develop high blood pressure than women who don't eat yogurt. People with high blood pressure have an increased risk of heart attack or stroke. Probiotic-rich foods may help prevent high blood pressure.

Apart from these benefits, probiotic supplements also help in the following medical conditions -

  • Diarrhea 
  • Constipation
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Yeast infections
  • Crohn's disease
  • Urinary tract infections (UTI)
  • Gum disease
  • Vaginal infections
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Eczema
  • Pouchitis
  • Upper respiratory infections
  • Sepsis

Types of Probiotics

There are two common genera of probiotics: Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus. As a result, these are the two most common genera of bacteria found in some food products, such as yogurt and other fermented foods.


Bifidobacteria is another common probiotic that can improve gut health by reducing constipation and diarrhea. Bifidobacteria help produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that help feed your gut cells, which leads to a healthier gut lining and better immune system function.

The Bifidobacterium genus can be divided into multiple species, with B. longum, B. breve, B. bifidum, B. lactis, B. infantis, and B. animalis being the most common ones found in commercial products.


Lactobacillus is the most studied probiotic because it has been shown to help with several health conditions. Lactobacillus can be found naturally in both humans' and animals' digestive, urinary, and genital systems. It works by fighting against harmful bacteria in the body, restoring the natural balance of good microorganisms.

The Lactobacillus genus can also be divided into species, with L. acidophilus, L. plantarum, L. casei, L. bulgaricus, and L. rhamnosus being the most common ones.

Other genera commonly used include Streptococcus (S. thermophilus), Enterococcus (E. faecalis), Bacillus (B. subtilis), and Saccharomyces (S. boulardii).

Are Prebiotics and Probiotics the Same Thing?

No, they aren't. Probiotics and Probiotics might sound similar, but each has different characteristics altogether. Prebiotics and probiotics are often confused because they are related to gut health. While they can't be called the same thing, they go hand in hand when it comes to enhancing gut health. Prebiotics and probiotics help the good or beneficial bacteria flourish in the gut.

Prebiotics is a complex form of carb that is not easily digestible by our bodies but can be processed by the good bacteria, probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that reside in our body and have many health benefits like improving digestive health, reducing blood sugar levels, and boosting immunity.

The good bacteria - the probiotics, consume prebiotics, a complex form of carb. Probiotics include bacteria and yeasts, whereas prebiotics is indigestible fibers like FOS and inulin that cannot be digested by humans but get fermented by gut microbiota (good bacteria).

Probiotic Benefits For Men

Many probiotic products are marketed towards women, but studies show that men can benefit just as much from taking probiotics as women can. Here are a few ways that probiotics can help your overall health:

Controls Digestive Disorder Symptoms

Digestive disorders are a common health problem for men. One of the vital benefits of probiotics is their ability to fight diarrhea. However, not all probiotic strains affect diarrhea, and some may even worsen it.

Probiotics may help improve the symptoms of these conditions by reducing inflammation and improving digestive function. Such supplements also help with other digestive disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), constipation, and Crohn's disease.

Aids in Mental Health

Numerous studies suggest that maintaining a healthy gut microbiome can support immune function and improve mood. While probiotics are best known for their digestive health benefits, they may also influence mental health through the gut-brain connection.

Mental health researchers have found that probiotics may also increase the production of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), an amino acid that acts as a neurotransmitter to regulate nerve activity in the brain and spinal cord, which ultimately cures depression.

Improves Metabolic Health

Probiotics have been shown to improve metabolic activity in men. Probiotics strengthen the gut barrier and decrease the chance for food particles to enter the bloodstream through a leaky gut. Taking probiotic supplements regularly can help a person lose weight and maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI).

Probiotic Benefits For Women

Many women consume probiotic supplements for various reasons, such as improving digestion, improving immunity & fighting infections, weight loss, etc. Some of the significant benefits of probiotics for women are -

Skin Health - Probiotics help prevent skin conditions like eczema, rosacea, and acne.

Digestive Health - Probiotics help in the digestion process by breaking down lactose, bile salts, and proteins, thereby allowing you to absorb more nutrients from food. It helps keep your digestive tract clean and healthy by flushing out toxins from your body.

Oral Health - Probiotics help prevent tooth decay, gingivitis, and bad breath. They help improve immunity, reducing your susceptibility to infections like colds or flu.

Weight Loss - Certain strains of probiotics are known to reduce weight by preventing fat absorption and increasing fat burning. This is why they are sometimes referred to as "fat burners" or "fat fighters."

Mood Boost - Studies show that taking probiotic supplements leads to increased production of neurotransmitters like serotonin.

Vaginal Health and Yeast Infections - Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that aid in digestion, boost the immune system, and provide other benefits for the body. The human body hosts about 100 trillion good bacteria that work together to keep you healthy and happy. Along with beneficial bacteria, probiotics also contain live yeasts that help promote yeast balance.

Natural probiotics are obtained from natural sources & not produced in laboratories. They can be in the form of foods or supplements. These probiotics can be live bacteria or yeasts. Probiotics are known to have various health benefits on the human body. Some of the best natural probiotics for women are Yogurt, Kefir, Buttermilk, Cheese, Kimchi, Miso, Kombucha, Pickles, Idli & Dosa etc

When to Take Probiotics?

People take probiotics for a variety of reasons. Some want to restore the balance of bacteria in the gut after antibiotics throw it off. Some are trying to treat or prevent a specific health condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome or ulcerative colitis. Others want to stay healthy.

But when should you take probiotics? Do they need to be taken at a particular time of day? Do they work better with food? Or on an empty stomach? Is there any difference between taking them with food and taking them on an empty stomach?

The two most important things to remember when taking probiotic supplements is a) how many and b) when to take them. First, consult with your General Physician to know your exact dosage.

The best time to take probiotics depends on the type of bacteria. For example, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium survive best when taken up to 30 minutes before a meal. However, Saccharomyces boulardii microorganisms survive in equal numbers with or without a meal. If you choose to take your probiotics with food, wait until you start eating before popping the capsules or drinking the yogurt. However, the time of the probiotic intake is less significant than consistency.

If probiotics are taken in foods or supplements containing live cultures, they can sometimes cause side effects such as bloating, gas, constipation, or diarrhea. However, these symptoms are usually mild and temporary. We recommend you take the probiotic supplements as directed by your Physician.

How to Choose a Good Probiotic Supplement?

Various species of beneficial bacteria are used in probiotic supplements. Each species has its unique benefits and may help with different health conditions. In addition, some probiotics only contain one strain of bacteria, while others include a mix of several strains. When you need more probiotic help than yogurt or kombucha can provide, consider taking a supplement containing multiple strains for best results. So, how do you know which one is right for you?

If you have a health condition and are concerned about the state of your microbiome, it's best to speak with your doctor before deciding to take a probiotic.

1) Find a supplement best suited for your condition:

There are many different types of probiotics that each have unique benefits and mechanisms of action. When shopping for one, look for supplements containing strains known to target your particular concern. For example, if you want to improve digestion, look for a product containing Lactobacillus acidophilus or Bifidobacterium lactis; if you wish to help with weight, check out those containing Lactobacillus gasseri.

2) Look at the label:

Choose products with labels that indicate the strain(s) included in the product and the number of Colony Forming Units (CFUs) per serving. It's also helpful if the dose is standardized, so you know exactly what you're getting each time. Also, look for products packaged in dark glass bottles since sensitive active ingredients can be damaged by sunlight.

3) Look for the words "live and active cultures" on the label:

This means that there are live bacteria in the food or supplement you're about to eat. If you don't see these words on the label, you might not get any probiotic bacterial cells from what you're eating or drinking.

4) Look for a CFU count:

CFU stands for Colony Forming units, and it helps you determine how many probiotic bacteria cells there are in each serving. The higher the CFU count, the more likely the product will bring about positive changes to your digestive system and immune system.

5) The more diverse strains, the better:

Some companies only sell probiotics in single-strain formulas. These can be effective, but research shows that a diverse mix of bacteria is better at colonizing the gut.

6) Avoid foods and supplements that contain inactive strains of bacteria:

Most people don't realize that most probiotics die before reaching the large intestine, where they exert their benefits. Instead, choose supplements that contain only strains of bacteria that are proven to survive stomach acid and bile salts, so they make it to their intended destination alive.

7) Look for strains of bacteria listed on the label, not just at the genus and species:

Find a supplement with proven effects. You want to know that the strains of bacteria in your probiotic have been studied and shown benefit in human clinical trials.

8) Look for products made by a reputed manufacturer:

Find a manufacturer who complies with good manufacturing practices (GMPs). Good manufacturing practices involve following strict product testing, processing, and packaging standards. In addition, check the storage requirements and expiration date on the label to ensure that the bacteria will still be viable until then.

How are Probiotics Made?

Probiotics are made by selecting the strain of microorganisms. It is then grown in media, fermented, concentrated in a centrifuge, and finally blended into a powder. The probiotic bacteria are then packaged in capsules, tablets, and soft gel capsules.

The process starts with finding out which probiotic strain has the desired benefits. Once the strain is selected, it is grown in a nutrient media to obtain the desired amount of probiotic cells. The strains are grown in media depending on the type of strain. For example, Bifidobacterium infantis is grown in MRS (Mann, Rogosa, and Sharpe) medium, whereas Lactobacillus acidophilus is cultured in M17 (a lactose-containing medium).

The microorganisms are then fermented for several hours or days to multiply to the desired levels. Once the fermentation is complete, the cultures are centrifuged to remove excess liquid and produce a wet concentrate. The concentrate is then mixed with a carrier such as maltodextrin and dried to produce powdered probiotic cultures.

The powder can be used as a dietary supplement or added to foods such as yogurt. However, probiotics should be stored under refrigeration at all times to preserve maximum strength and viability.

Find The Best Probiotic Strains at Unique Biotech

Are you looking for a reliable partner to manufacture your probiotic formula? Then, you can count on us for all your needs. Unique Biotech is a leading Probiotic Contract Manufacturer and Probiotic Supplier offering high-quality probiotic solutions to global customers. Our expertise in probiotics allows us to provide custom probiotic private label and probiotic contract manufacturing services to innovators, entrepreneurs, brand owners, marketers, retailers, and distributors in the health supplement industry. As one of the largest probiotics manufacturers and probiotic suppliers, we have expertise and capabilities in providing high-quality probiotic solutions to improve health and wellness through microbiota management.

The production of probiotics requires special conditions to maintain the active cultures. Our team of experts at Unique Biotech takes care of everything from start to finish, including stability testing and packaging in different formats like capsules and sachets. We understand the high cost involved in developing a new product, which is why we offer our services at highly competitive prices.

Unique Biotech has a well-researched and experienced team of scientists who have worked on different aspects of probiotics. Our expert team has extensive experience in strain selection, development of new products, clinical trials, and commercialization. The probiotic strains developed by Unique Biotech are supported by research papers published in peer-reviewed journals and approved by regulatory bodies.

We are committed to delivering the highest quality products. Our specialized manufacturing facility is equipped with advanced technology and equipment that comply with global standards. From procurement of probiotic strains to processing, we take every step of every step. As a result, unique Biotech offers the best clinically proven probiotic strains. Collaborate with us today to deliver clinically proven probiotics to your valuable customers!

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