Controlling plant pathogens with Bacillus subtilis B5

Probiotics for agriculture- Bio B5

Probiotics in food and beverages

Bio-B5, a biopesticide-cum-biofertilizer, is a carrier-based formulation with a high concentration of Bacillus subtilis B5. The bacterium survives in the soil for a long time, withstanding harsh conditions and inhibiting the growth of tuber and soil-borne pathogens. In addition to its biocontrol activities, it helps the plants grow more effectively.

Bacillus subtilis B5 – 10 billion CFU/gm

  • Controls soil/tuber borne diseases upto 80%
  • Increases crop yield upto 25%
  • Ensures early and uniform germination
  • Promotes the growth of plants by increasing nitrogen uptake, phosphate solubilization and the production of phytohormones.
  • Compatible with systemic and contact fungicides viz. Benlate, Bavistin, Ridomil and Dithane-M45
  • Eco-friendly and non-toxic for humans and animals

Method of application

  • Tuber/seed: Dip in 0.25% solution for 20 minutes
  • Ensures early and uniform germination
black scurf
Black Scurf
Black Scurf is a soil-borne fungal disease caused by the pathogenic species of Rhizoctonia solani. This disease leads to the formation of black scurf/spots on the tubers of the potatoes towards the end of the growing season or during storage. The use of Bacillus subtilis B5, a biocontrol probiotic in farming, is a preferred choice over pesticides because of its non-toxic and antagonizing properties.
Fusarium rot/wilt is caused by the Fusarium oxysporum which is known to affect both perennial and annual plants. This pathogenic species enters the plant through the roots and affects both seeds and tubers. It can often lead to stunted growth or premature death of the plant. When Bacillus subtilis B5 is added, it activates plant defense mechanisms and promotes growth.
early blight
Early Blight
Early blight affects potatoes. It is a disease caused by the fungus Alternaria solani that primarily affects stems and leaves. It results in the formation of small, brown/black spots on the lower leaves and elongated brown/black lesions on the stems. It can also be seen on the tubers as sunken and dark lesions on the surface. Bacillus subtilis B5 is a non-toxic agent of choice with anti-fungal characteristics to fight the disease. 
early blight
Late Blight
The water mold Phytophthora infestans causes late blight of potatoes, which is identified by black/brownish lesions on leaves and stems. On the tubers, the effects can be seen in the form of infected tissues that turn copper brown or purplish/reddish in color. Treatment with Bacillus subtilis B5 can inhibit the growth of infestans significantly and improve the vegetative parameters of the plants.
brown rot
Brown Rot
Brown rot is a disease that leads to the rotting of tubers, which in turn results in yield loss. It is caused by Ralstonia solanacearum. Bacillus subtilis B5 is one of the few probiotics in agriculture that has proven to be effective against Ralstonia.