Probiotics for Poultry

Probiotics, the live microbial food supplements, are proved to improve the health and performance of poultry and other animals. They are used in feed and water, on the skin, and in the digestive system to prevent and treat disease.

The intestinal tract of poultry is often challenged with pathogenic and non-pathogenic organisms (e.g., bacteria, viruses, fungi) that can cause disease in poultry. As a result, many antimicrobial compounds have been studied for use in poultry, which includes a variety of antibiotics and other antimicrobial substances such as bacteriocins and antivirals. However, using these substances raises issues of concern to animal welfare and public health due to their potential effects on poultry health and their accumulation in the environment.

Probiotics For Chicken and Poultry

Diets supplemented with probiotics are beneficial to the bird, as they improve its intestinal microbial balance through competition for attachment sites in the GI tract. In addition, probiotics provide competitive exclusion of pathogenic bacteria by producing antimicrobial compounds and competing with pathogens for nutrients and attachment sites in the GI tract. These live microbes can be used as an alternative or adjunct therapy and antibiotics to prevent or control specific diseases associated with specific pathogens. The benefits of probiotic use in poultry include:

  • Improved nutrient absorption
  • Support of normal immune function
  • Production of antimicrobial compounds
  • Enhanced intestinal barrier function
  • Improved feed efficiency
  • Reduced symptoms of coccidiosis infection

Probiotics for chickens and other avian species are commonly added to poultry feed and drinking water to support birds' health, performance, and growth. This is particularly important in young birds in which stable intestinal bacteria have not yet been established.

The most common probiotics for poultry include Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis, Streptococcus faecalis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Lactobacillus casei. These bacteria are chosen for their ability to survive the acidic environment of the stomach and their ability to adhere to the intestinal mucosa.

Some of the best probiotics for chicken also produce antimicrobial compounds in their normal metabolic processes. These compounds inhibit or kill harmful bacteria, reducing the risk of disease and increasing feed efficiency.


Probiotics for chickens  - Poultry feed supplement

Premium synbiotic feed supplement for poultry


  • Ensures healthy balanced gut microflora and reduces digestive upsets
  • Influences host immunity against enteric diseases caused by E.coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Pasteurella and other pathogens
  • Prevents Coccidiosis & Necrotic enteritis
  • Improves feed utilization and body weight


As directed by the Veterinarian / Nutritionist / Consultant

Active Ingredients

Product contains:

  • 9 Probiotic cultures – 5.5 billion cfu/gm
  • Mannan Oligosaccharides (MOS)
  • Fructo Oligosaccharides (FOS)
  • Spirulina
  • Enzymes
  • Seaweed extract


Probiotics In Poultry Feed

A unique growth promoter formulated with probiotics


  • Helps to treat all kinds of diarrhoea including antibiotic associated diarrhoea
  • Prevents the growth of disease causing microbes
  • Stimulates the growth of cellulolytic bacteria
  • Modulates immunity by boosting intestinal secretion of IgA


As directed by the Veterinarian / Nutritionist / Consultant

Active Ingredients

A blend of:

  • Saccharomyces boulardii Unique-28
  • Bacillus coagulans Unique IS-2®
  • Seaweed extract


Bio Sanitizer

A Bio-sanitizer for chicks free from E.coli and Salmonella


  • Prevents the growth of disease causing microbes
  • It protect bacteria from the killing effects of disinfectants
  • Improves health & immunity


50 ml in 1000 litres of water

Active Ingredients

A blend of:

  • Specially formulated unique antimicrobial probiotic liquid (Cell free extract of Lactobacillus fermentum - Activity against E.coli & Salmonella Sps.)


Feed Additives

Natural source of Astaxanthin


  • Improves the appearance of egg shells and yolk
  • Improves health & immunity
  • Works as free radical antioxidants


Laying hens/Breeders: 10 gm/Kg of feed

Active Ingredients

Product contains:

  • A unique blend of astraxenthin